As part of our continuing series of space entrepreneurship discussion and networking forums hosted at mHUB Chicago, we record the formal presentations during those events.
You can catch up previous events in this series by watching our YouTube gallery. These videos date back to events from June 2017 to present. Enjoy!

2024 04 23 State of ISAM in Chicago

Global Governance of Outer Space Activities in the 21st Century

Space Oriented Innovation Ecosystems - PME, Industry Networks Day Aug 31, 2023

Event 6.27.23 - Space Meets Blockchain: Unraveling the New Frontiers

Event 3.28.23: The NewSpace Ecosystem in Chicago

Event 2.8.23: The Future of the Space Industry & Space in Chicago

The Quest for Ubiquitous On Orbit Servicing and Logistics

Building an In-Space Economy, Building a Successful Space Company

Follies, Failures, and Successes in Pursuit of a Bustling In-Space Economy

Introducing the Satellite Regulatory Regime

Avoiding the Dragon’s Trap: Economic Expansion into Space

State of the Space Industrial Base

One Million Marciane: Humanity's Next Giant Leap - Societal Challenges

One Million Marciane: Humanity's Next Giant Leap - Technical Challenges

One Million Marciane: Humanity's Next Giant Leap - Economic Challenges