Event Jan 19, 2021: State of the Industrial Space Base

Private investment in commercial space activity is at an all-time high and growing as entrepreneurs and industrialists create new technologies and adapt existing technologies for space applications. This is fueled by the decreasing cost of space access and broad advances in space enabling technologies. This provides the opportunity for an expanded space industrial base beyond “big” aerospace companies that have traditionally supported government space missions. In May 2020, over 120 space leaders from across government,…

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Investing in the New Space Race

  Register Now Use Function Ticket NewSpace Chicago is excited to help pass on the word about an upcoming event hosted by the CFA Society Chicago.  The CFA Society Chicago is one of the oldest investment analyst groups in the United States, and they’re hosting “Investing in the New Space Race.” The focus on Mars and the Asteroid Belt feels similar to the first space race, but the race to build constellations of cheap, low…

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Event Thu 12/13: Investing In NewSpace: Real Opportunities Now

If you were an active investor in 1995, what Internet companies did you buy into? If you bought Amazon or Yahoo! well done! If you bought Pets.com or Furniture.com you have our sympathies! Was competent due diligence and/or spreading of risk the deciding factors in whether investors won or lost, or was it something else? What separated the hype from reality? Another transformational new industry is emerging; which is similar or even larger in scope…

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Investment Opportunities in Space

What do we mean by “Space” investments? Space is often described as “The Final Frontier,” or  “The Great Unknown,” however, Space technology is far better known by engineers, scientists, and governments than by the private investing community.  Space technology has radically transformed life on Earth ever since Sputnik launched in 1957. Space investments do not generally take the form of investing directly in the Moon or Mars (though some companies are making efforts at deep…

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