Event Apr 29 & 30, 2021: Student Space Congress

Have your dreams of what the future of space may bring kept you busy? Are you working on a space related project that you want to share with the world?  In it’s ongoing mission to promote the entrepreneurial space industry, NewSpace Chicago is hosting a virtualStudent Space Congress in Chicago this April 2021.  Through this event, we want to provide students – undergraduate and graduate – from across the country the opportunity to present their…

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Event Mar 16, 2021: Avoiding the Dragon’s Trap

Event Date: March 16, 2021 Event Time: 6 PM CT – 7:30 PM CT Event Location: Virtual Via Remo Register Here   Space is rapidly becoming an arena for great power competition and potential conflict. One of the rapidly rising space powers is China. In this presentation, Coyote Smith describes the Moon as the Earth’s eighth continent, ripe for development. The tremendous resources available on the Moon offers new solutions to spiraling national debts dragging…

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Event Jan 19, 2021: State of the Industrial Space Base

Private investment in commercial space activity is at an all-time high and growing as entrepreneurs and industrialists create new technologies and adapt existing technologies for space applications. This is fueled by the decreasing cost of space access and broad advances in space enabling technologies. This provides the opportunity for an expanded space industrial base beyond “big” aerospace companies that have traditionally supported government space missions. In May 2020, over 120 space leaders from across government,…

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Event Dec 8, 2020: One Million Marciane: Humanity’s Next Giant Leap – Societal Challenges

Join us for the last event in the Mars City State series to find out how humanity can overcome the societal challenges to thrive on Mars. In this presentation, the authors of One Million Marciane: Humanity’s Next Giant Leap will discuss the cultural, aesthetic, political, and societal challenges associated with creating a city-state on Mars capable of supporting 1,000,000 people. You can read the full report here. This event is part of a continuing series of space…

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Event Nov 17, 2020: One Million Marciane: Humanity’s Next Giant Leap – Technical Challenges

How can humanity overcome the economic, technical, and social challenges to not just survive, but to thrive on Mars? Find out by joining New Space Chicago’s virtual speaker series. The authors of One Million Marciane: Humanity’s Next Giant Leap will discuss the technical challenges associated with creating a city-state on Mars capable of supporting 1,000,000 people. You can read the full report here. This event is part of a continuing series of space entrepreneurship discussion…

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Mars City State Update: The Final Stretch

Two Short Months The Windy City Settlers first came together less than two months ago, but have achieved so much in a short amount of time. The team has created a system of Marciane laws and drafted a Mars Treaty that allows Mars to develop as an independent entity, free from any nation on Earth. The city-state now spans across the surface of Mars and in orbital satellites, both natural and artificial, connected by a robust network…

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Event May 2 & 3, 2020: Mars City State Competition Workshop

NewSpace Chicago is pleased to announce that we will be sponsoring a team to enter this year’s Mars City State Competition hosted by the Mars Society. We will kick-off our team with a two-day virtual workshop, to be held on the weekend of May 2 and May 3. If you are interested, complete this registration form linked below: NewSpace Chicago Mars City State Workshop Registration Additional Information The Mars City State Competition is an international…

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Event Tues 3/10: Satellite Mega Constellations

Mega satellite constellations will change the way businesses and governments operate both in space and on the ground. NewSpace Chicago has assembled a panel to discuss the incredible opportunities and risks associated with mega satellite constellations.  Building and operating mega-constellations is a massive undertaking, but they can have a wide variety of applications to serve consumers, businesses, and governments. Those who dare to chase after mega-constellations face significant challenges and risks. These range from the…

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